A decent habitat until today still remains unachievable for many people around the world. 100 million remain unsheltered today and 1.6 billion live in inadequate conditions (United Nations). Natural disasters, dislocations and Poverty all contribute to these alarming conclusions. These devastating figures show the cruel reality these populations witness every day. It is our social responsibility to address these issues in the best possible way.
Everyone has seen, heard or heard of disasters striking…
Everyone has seen, heard or heard of disasters striking our world. Managing populations in disastrous conditions is extremely challenging. Being unprepared for such events causes distress, economic devastation, and unimaginable levels of psychological impact and Tameer Foundation’s role is to assist the needy in these particular situations, coordinating with local authorities and existing NGOs to bring expertise and experience to the benefits of the impacted populations.
One way of cutting through unnecessary and time-costly procedures…
One way of cutting through unnecessary and time costly procedures is to work directly with ONGs that are already operating on ground. By cooperating with existing entities, time, energy and costs are often optimised benefiting the projects and those in need. In humanitarian projects, efficiency and optimisation are key aspects in order to deliver.
With approximately 200 million stunted children worldwide…
With approximately 200 million stunted children worldwide, 10% of the world being undernourished, and 844 million people lacking clear water, Health Care is more than ever a global issue needing to be tackled. Whether it be a one-time medical disposal, or a permanent medical facility, we know our support is continuously needed and we will emphasise on gaining ground in this field.
For many vulnerable children in the world, education is the only way…
For many vulnerable children in the world, education is the only means of escaping poverty. Yet for too many of them, getting basic education is a distant dream. Even though many governments provide free education through public schools, many children, and especially orphans, cannot afford to buy essential necessities in order to attend class. We work hard in finding the support that provides school fees and other expenses for children who live in some of the poorest countries in the world. By joining our education program you can pay for the fees and other expenses so a child in a third world country can attend school for an entire year. Your contributions will provide the child with textbooks, uniforms and school supplies throughout the year. Support is more than ever needed as the number of Out-of-School Children is alarmingly high.(At least 123 million: Unicef Statistics as of 2015)
With around 140 million orphans worldwide as of 2015 (Unicef)…
With around 140 million orphans worldwide as of 2015 (Unicef), the number of children who have lost one or both parents is still extremely high. One of Tameer’s priorities is to provide orphans with basic necessities: shelter, food, education and support. Every child should be able to access minimal living conditions in order to grow mentally and physically in the best conditions. It is our belief that funding an orphan package will save a child before it’s too late. Support is desperately needed more than ever. Our goal is to establish complete transparency of how the contributions are being used and how the children are being supported. Constant updates are available to the contributors in order to follow the supported child’s progress.
Micro-finance loans are issued to rural poor communities in developing countries …
Micro-finance loans are issued to poor rural communities in developing countries that normally do not qualify for traditional banking credits. This is often the only way they can establish a business and aspire to more independence. Targeting female borrowers for instance in societies where women are frequently forced to take responsibilities for their entire family is one of our priorities and has always proven to reduce domestic violence. By implementing these loans, Tameer encourages unfortunate populations to access financial stability and independence.
Hunger, Food and Poverty are linked together. Millions of people live with hunger …
Hunger, Food and Poverty are linked together. Millions of people live with hunger issues and malnourishment as a result of lacking means to buy the right food or missing the resources to sustain adequate farming conditions in order to eat properly.
The effects of hunger are devastating and sometimes irreversible on the human body.
Around 800 Million people around the world cannot lead an active life due to lack of food. The majority of the under nourished live in developing countries where approximately 13% of the population remains undernourished.
Supporting this cause often results in saving whole families or communities from undergoing every day life, and enables them to live and act to a much higher potential.
Water is the basis of a sane and balanced quality of life. Access to safe water and …
Water is the basis of a sane and balanced quality of life. Access to safe water and acceptable sanitarian conditions are elementary for all human beings.
Today 1 person out of 9 lacks access to safe water and 1/3 of the population does not have access to a toilet.
Empowering populations by helping them access water not only decreases risk of diseases, but also increases their ability to show and teach ways of accessing and using it.