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We work hard in finding the support that provides school fees and other expenses for children who live in some of the poorest countries in the world.
By joining our education program you can pay for the fees and other expenses so a child in a third world country can attend school for an entire year. Your contributions will provide the child with textbooks, uniforms and school supplies throughout the year. Support is more than ever needed as the number of Out-of-School Children is alarmingly high.(At least 123 million: Unicef Statistics as of 2015)

According to the UIS (Unesco Institute For statistics) “Six out of ten children and adolescents are unable to meet minimum proficiency levels in reading and mathematics”.

Another study from the same Institute projects that poverty could be cut in half if all adults completed secondary education. We must acknowledge that this global issue can only be tackled at the roots: changing the social statuts quo of so many disadvantaged populations.